Thursday, May 14, 2009

Direct sales (like Avon, Mary Kay) offer recession-proof jobs

check out this article....

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Some good advice from ENVP Deanna Osborne

We’ve dealt with the economy and discovered that not only are we one of the few companies in the US that is predicting growth in 2009 but that we are also able to meet the needs of thousands of families who have seen their incomes, 401K’s, retirement plans, investments etc decline or disappear. Now we are faced with a possible flu pandemic which appears to be gaining ground globally. My husband, Dr. Chris Osborn came home from the office today and reported to me that their office saw 2 probable cases of H1N1 flu(swine flu). That is what has prompted this email to you. I wanted to point out that Arbonne has some great products that really do make a difference when people are dealing with the flu. These are items that you may want to recommend to your clients or even have some on hand in case. The list is based on personal and clinical experience.

Flu Necessities:

1. Protein Powders….this may surprise you but we believe Arbonne’s protein shakes are a great “emergency preparedness product”. They are a perfect food source, have an expiration date of about 2 years out and are the most bang for your buck when you just can’t get out of the house. Protein is essential to support the immune system. This product also has Omega 3 essential fatty acids, CoQ10, alpha lipoic acid and more! All of which boost the immune system and fight infection.

2. Remedy Line…. especially the Get well Soon to boost immune system, the Herbal Vapor Soak and Vapor Rub. This is a respiratory flu and the Vapor Soak and Rub can help with respiratory symptoms like stuffy nose, chest congestion etc.

3. NRGGO3 Fizz Tabs. Many of you have heard the story of my husband who had the flu in Feb of 2008. He felt terrible and I recommended that he take the Fizz tabs. They had just been launched by Arbonne and I had the flu while on a ski trip. I used them and didn’t miss a single day of skiing. I fixed him a fizz tab drink, went to the grocery store and when I arrived back he met me at the a different person. He said, “ In fifteen minutes I went from being on the floor, feeling like I had been hit by a truck to feeling normal”. He took a load of fizz tabs to work the next week as the flu continued to spread.

4. Detox Spa line….This is one of my favorite lines. While at NTC Peter shared with us some statistics on the Detox Line. One was that it increased the immune system. Through increasing circulation(the Stimulate part) you can help your body to heal more quickly and release endorphins that help you to feel better.

5. Detox Tea is great for sore throats and helps your body eliminate toxins from the kidney and liver. I give this to my kids when they have a high fever and are taking Motrin or Tylenol to bring the fever down. Motrin is metabolized by the kidney and Tylenol by the liver.

6. Hybrids…..No better overall defense. Complete nutrition in a packet. We’ve got all the bases covered with this product.

7. A new product that I must add to my list but that I not available until May 15th is the Clear Advantage Dietary Supplement. I’m excited about the reformulation of this product. It now contains CoEnzyme Q10 and Reveratrol in addition to Vitamin C and E and some other ingredients. Resveratrol is something that plants can make to fight off infections that are bacterial, viral and fungal. Arbonne says in their literature that it boosts the immune system. Both Resveratrol and CoQ10 are great for the heart as well but that is not our focus here.

These are my favorites. I’m sure there are others that could be added. We don’t know what direction this thing will go but we are being told we will likely be dealing with it for awhile. The key to treatment for this flu is to get a prescription for Tamiflu within 48 hours of symptom onset. Most people start with a headache, fever and body aches. To get a prescription at this point you have to visit your doctor so they can culture you. If the flu continues to spread they will likely start calling the prescription in. If someone in your family is diagnosed with the flu, the close family contacts can take Tamiflu to prevent infection with the virus. You guys know I’m not big on drugs but in this case I would take it. We want everyone to be happy and healthy. If it comes down to the point that it is not in our best interest to visit the grocery store where there will be germs on cart handles and the kids say “Hey mom, what’s for dinner?!” The answer becomes, “Arbonne Protein Shake! Would you like Chocolate or Vanilla?!”

Love you guys!